Bloom Counseling Collaborative

Meet Our Therapists

Meet our dedicated team of therapists in North Carolina at Bloom CC Therapy. Discover compassionate support for burned out professionals, parents, and high-achievers.

Allison Freeman, LCMHCA


I help my clients drill down to the core of their symptoms to uncover the why behind them. This process leads to better solutions, personal growth, self-discovery, and deep emotional healing.
Click to learn more about Allison

Catherine Bruce, LCSW


I provide evidence-based OCD support and therapy for anxiety. If you are struggling with a major life transition or grief and loss, I am here to help you make it through. You don't need to walk this path alone.
Click to Learn More About Catherine

What services do you offer?

Individual Therapy

Self-Discovery Coaching

Group Counseling

Parent Coaching

School Consults



How much do your services cost?

Our Services range from $90-$225/hr

Check out the OON Insurance Calculator below to determine how much your cost will be for therapy after filing for reimbursement using OON benefits:


Those with high risk factors for burnout:

  • Stressed-out and overwhelmed professional women and parents
  • Gifted and/or Highly-Sensitive People, Introverts, Neurodiverse people
  • Perfectionists and people-pleasers
  • Teens and adults working on self-discovery and developing an authentic sense-of-self


At our counseling practice, we offer the transformative power of therapy with collaborative, affirming clinicians, particularly for the above populations. Stressed-out professional women and parents often carry immense burdens, juggling careers, family responsibilities, and societal expectations. Therapy offers a safe space to unpack these pressures, develop coping strategies, and cultivate a deep transformation of self to live better and with more peace.

For gifted and highly-sensitive individuals, introverts, and neurodiverse people, therapy provides a unique opportunity to navigate the complexities of these unique traits. Our affirming clinicians validate your lived experiences and help you understand the depth of your unique strengths as well as how to navigate the challenges of functioning in a predominantly neurotypical society.

Perfectionists and people-pleasers often grapple with self-imposed standards and struggle with complicated self-worth stemming from their childhood experiences. Therapy offers a supportive environment to challenge these harmful patterns and beliefs, fostering self-compassion and authentic self-expression.

Teens and adults exploring self-discovery benefit greatly from therapy at Bloom as they navigate identity formation and strive for authenticity with non-judgmental, affirming clinicians. Our collaborative therapists provide guidance, validation, and tailored tools for your personal growth, empowering our clients to embrace their truest selves and lead fulfilling lives.